How To Test Your Website For Errors

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Your website is your top marketing asset, regardless of size or industry. To ensure it’s top-notch, you must test it for errors. After all, errors can frustrate users and convince them to leave your site and go elsewhere to search for what they’re looking for.

With web testing, you can uncover errors before they deter your users. Ideally, you’d test your site during the website’s development phase so that when it is available to users, it functions properly and allows for a smooth user experience. 

Key Website Categories to Test

Web testing usually involves several tests to help you understand strengths and weaknesses within every aspect of your website. Here’s an overview of some of the most common tests. 

Functionality Testing

Functionality testing is intended to review every aspect of your website to ensure it works correctly. It tests the main functions of your site, checks whether users can freely navigate the pages without any issues, and looks for error conditions. Browserstack and Screaming Frog are two examples of tools you can use for functionality testing.

Usability testing

The main purpose of usability testing is to assess how easy or difficult users find your website. It uncovers insights your users may experience and allows you to improve your site’s overall user experience. Most usability tests involve users who try to accomplish typical tasks or goals. To implement usability testing, try UserBob or

Interface testing

Interface testing confirms effective communication between two different types of software. It ensures all interactions are working properly and all errors are handled correctly. iMacros and LoadUI are a few tools you may want to consider for interface testing. 

Compatibility testing

Compatibility testing ensures your website is compatible with various browsers, hardware, networks, mobile devices, and operating systems. It can help you verify that your users will have the same experience regardless of how they arrive at your website. You can use Browserstack and for compatibility testing.

Performance testing

Performance testing can help determine how your website performs under different scenarios. It usually involves stress testing, scalability testing, and load testing. Google Insights and WebLoad may come in handy if you want to pursue performance testing.

Security testing

Security testing reveals any security flaws within your website. It can help you ensure your site is free of threats or risks that can compromise your customers’ confidential information and put your reputation on the line. If you want to test your site’s security, OWASP ZAP and BeyondTrust should be on your radar.

Work Towards an Error-Free Site

While these tests will cost you time and resources, they can do wonders for your website’s success. A well-tested, error-free site is not an option in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace. It’s a necessity.

About The Author

Matthew Post

Matthew Post

Matthew Post has dedicated over two decades to building and optimizing websites. He has worked in-house for nationwide e-commerce companies and large local firms to increase customer engagement through conversion rate optimization and search engine optimization. His expertise covers both the development and growth of digital properties.